Connor is running for his life. Alone in a forest and with a severed foot, he races against blood loss and the deadly creature chasing him, in the hope of reaching a magical pond which holds the key to his future.
How did the project start?
Almost 10 years ago, originally written for a short screenplay competition. For years, I intended to tell this story as a short film. However, budget and practical constraints made it really hard to make a good version of it. Once I started writing comics, it became obvious it was the perfect medium to tell this story, and Prey, the comic-book, was born.
Ahah. Nope, that’s by design. We wanted the story to have a dark and gritty feel, but also wanted certain elements to stand-out, like blood, fog, and the waters of a certain lake. Colour vs black and white create a really interesting contrast, and Matheus took on the crazy challenge to make it work.
what inspired thE book?
The answer to pretty much everything I write is likely to include the original The Twilight Zone.
However, without spoiling too much, it’s also highly influenced by Folklore stories. Stylistically, you can’t deny influences from Frank Miller’s Sin City. And being a creature horror, elements of Alien, The Thing, and Jaws are obviously present.
Love it. What can I do to get one?
The book will be launched on Kickstarter on June 18th. If you haven’t used Kickstarter before, check our guide and have a browse. There are plenty of amazing projects out there right now!
In the meantime, make sure to follow the pre-launch page, or sign-up to our mailing list, so you don’t miss it.
Enough talk. Show me the art
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